Shabbat How ToYaakov 3 |
Yaakov 5Yaakov 2 |
Yaakov 4Yaakov 1:16-27 |
Sh'mita 10/6/22 |
A Shavuot Teaching |
Yaakov 1:1-15 |
Betrothal & Marriage |
Amos 9 - 13/5/22 |
Amos 8 - 6/5/22 |
Amos 7 - 29/4/22 |
BM Long Island 2022 |
Amos 6 - 8/4/22 |
Amos 5:16-27 - 1/4/22 |
Amos 5:1-15 - 25/3/22 |
Amos 4 - 18/3/22 |
Amos 3 - 4/3/22 |
Amos 2 - 25/2/22 |
Intro to Amos - 18/2/22 |
Psalm 51 - 11/2/22 |
Calling & Vision 4/2/22 |
Samaritan 17/12/21 |
1 Cor. 11:2-16 10/12/21 |
Chanukah Q & A |
Chanukah 5782 3/12/21 |
Discernment 26/11/21 |
Hebrews 13 Pt 2 19/11/21 |
Hebrews 13 Pt 1 12/11/21 |
Hebrews 12 Pt 2 - 5/11/21 |
Hebrews 12 Pt I - 29/10/21 |
Hebrews 11 Pt 2 - 22/10/21 |
Hebrews 11 Pt 1 - 15/10/21 |
Hebrews 10 Pt 2 - 8/10/21 |
Sukkot - 24/10/21 |
Yom Kippur - 17/10/21 |
Rosh Hashanah - 10/9/21 |
Hebrews 10 PT I - 3/9/21 |
Hebrews 9 Pt I - 27/8/21 |
Hebrews 9 Pt II - 13/8/21 |
Hebrews 8 - 6/8/21 |
Hebrews 7 - 30/7/21 |
Jewish Advantage |
Hebrews 6 - 16/7/21 |
Hebrews 5 - 9/7/21 |
Hebrews 4 - 2/7/21 |
Hebrews 2 - 11/6/21 |
Hebrews 1 - 4/6/21 |
Israel Solidarity Rally |
Shavuot 5781 (2021) |
Hosea 13 & 14 - 14/5/21 |
Hosea 12 - 7/5/21 |
Did Yeshua Die on a Friday? |
Hosea 5 - 19/3/2021 |
Hosea 3&4 - 12/3/2021 |
Hosea 2 - 5/3/2021 |
Intro to Hosea 19/2/2021 |
Vision, Practice 12/2/2021 |
Chanukah 5781 |
Objections to Christmas |
Aleph & Tav 4/12/20 |
Encouragement 27/11/20 |
Messiah Life 13/11/20 |
John 20 - 6/11/20 |
John 19:23-42 #2. 30/10/20 |
John 19:1-22 #1. 23/10/20 |
John 18 - 16/9/20 |
Simchat Torah 5781 |
Yom Kippur 5781 |
Rosh HaShanah 5781 |
Yochanan (John) 17 |
Kibbutz Life - 4/9/20 |
Intro to Chanukah |
John 16 #two - 28/8/20 |
An Intro to Sukkot |
Joy - Zohar Gonen 31/7/202 Peter 1:12-21 |
John 14 - 24/7/20Intro to Shavuot |
Intro to Yom KippurJohn 13 #2 - 10/7/20 |
Rosh HashanahDid Yeshua Die on a Friday? |
John 13 #1 - 3/7/20 |
Intro to Passover Part 2 |
John 12 #2 - 26/6/20 |
Intro to Passover Part 1 |
John 12 #1 - 19/6/20 |
Introduction to Purim |
John 11 - 12/6/20 |
Messianic Thought |
John 10:22-42 - 5/6/20 |
Shavuot - 29/5/20 |
John 10:1-21 - 15/5/20 |
John 9 - 15/5/20 |
John 8:31-59 - 8/5/20 |
John 8:1-30 - 1/5/20 |
John 7:25-53 - 24/4/20 |
John 7:1-24 - 17/4/20 |
Passover 2020 yeshivah 10/4/20 |
John 6:34-71 - 27/3/20 |
John 6:1-33 - 20/3/20 |
Shimshon - 13 Mar 2020 |
John 5:25-47 - 28/2/20 |
John 4:27-54 - 14/2/20 |
John 4:1-26 - 7/2/20 |
John 3 - 13 Dec 2019 |
John 2 - 6 Dec 2019 |
John 1 PT 3 - 22/11/2019 |
John 1 PT 2 - 15/11/2019 |
John 1 Part One 8/11/19 |
Ask the Rabbi Two |
Ask the Rabbi One |
Isaiah 66 - 23/8/2019 |
Isaiah 65 - 16/8/2019 |
Isaiah 64 - 9/8/2019 |
Isaiah 63 - 2/8/2019 |
Isaiah 62 - 26 July 2019 |
Isaiah 61 - 19 July 2019 |
One New Man |
Isaiah 60 - 5 July 2019 |
Isaiah 59 - 28/6/2019 |
Isaiah 58 - 21 June 2019 |
Isaiah 57 - 14/6/2019 |
Shavuot - 7 June 2019 |
Afterlife - 31 May 2019 |
Isaiah 56 - 25 May 2019 |
Isaiah 55 - 17 May 2019 |
Isaiah 54 - 10 May 2019 |
Ephesians 4 - 3/5/2019 |
Isaiah 53 - 26/4/2019 |
Isaiah 52 - 12/4/2019 |
Isaiah 51 - 5 April 2019 |
Isaiah 50 - 29/3/2019 |
Unity in Messiah - 15/2/19 |
Psalm 133 - 8 Feb. 2019 |
On Christmas |
Chanukah 5779 (2018) |
Isaiah 46 - 30/11/2018 |
Isaiah 45 - 23 Nov. 2018 |
Isaiah 44 - 16 Nov. 2018 |
Freedom in Messiah |
Isaiah 43 - 2 Nov. 2018 |
Isaiah 42 - 26 Oct. 2018 |
Isaiah 41 - 19 Oct. 2018 |
Isaiah 40 - 12 Oct. 2018 |
Sukkot - 28 Sept. 2018 |
Tevilah - 2018 |
Yom Kippur - 2018 |
Rosh Hashanah - 2018 |
Selichot - 2018 |
Isaiah 36 - 27 July 2018 |
Isaiah 35 - 13 JULY 2018 |
Isaiah 32 - 6/7/2018 |
Isaiah 31 - 29/7/2018 |
Isaiah 30 - 22/6/2018 |
Isaiah 29 - 15/6/2018 |
Ben Berger - 2/6/2018 |
Isaiah 28 - 1 JUNE 2018 |
Isaiah 26 - APRIL 2018 |
Pesach - 2018 |
Isaiah 25 - 23/3/2018 |
Isaiah 14 - 16 MAR 2018 |
Isaiah 13 - 9 MAR 2018 |
Purim 5778 - 2 MAR 2018 |
Free to be one - 23/2/2018 |
Isaiah 12 - 16 FEB 2018 |
Isaiah 11 - 9 FEB 2018 |
Freedom - 2 FEB 2018 |
One New Man - 26/1/2018 |
Chanukah - 15 DEC 2017 |
Isaiah 10 - 8 DEC 2017 |