G-d is Father and King. He is not a king like any other king. Nobody chose Him to be king, He is simply King. At sun set the evening prior to the 1st of Tishrei, the high Holy days of HaShem begin. In Secular Hebrew terms this day is called Rosh Hashanah—the head of the year (New year). (Ezekiel 40:1) This also makes sense spiritually because G-d is the Head of Israel and Messiah is the Head of the Ecclesia—Community of believers. He is the א (Aleph)—beginning.
This convocation (sacred gathering) is also known as Yom Ha-Zikaron (The Day of Remembrance: Leviticus 23:24) and Yom Ha-Din (The Day of Judgment: A rabbinical title). The first name represents HaShem’s absolute fidelity and righteousness, His faithfulness to His covenants, even in the face of our faithlessness. The second name reminds us that G-d is a just Judge, Who examines the hearts of humanity. The Bible calls this particular Sabbath day “Yom T’ruah”—the day of the blowing sounds. Shofrot—rams’ horns—are heard throughout Israel proper and the world (Lev 23:24: Num 29:1). The ram’s horn has been used throughout Israel’s history, to signify the coronation of her kings. It is due to this fact that Jews focus on God the King during this time of introspection, self-examination and shuvah—returning--repentance. The Father heart of G-d is also reflected upon at this time because G-d is known as Adonai Elohim—Merciful G-d (Father) and Judge. The two images of Father and King are attributed to HaShem in worship. This day begins the Days of Awe, which continue for ten days. These days are a time of personal and corporate reflection and self-examination, which culminate in repentance on the Day of Covering/Atonement--Yom Kippur. This season affords us the opportunity to contemplate G-d as Father and King. He is not a king like any other king. Nobody chose Him to be king, He is simply King. This is clearly articulated in the prayer tradition of Israel, which begins each prayer with these words; “Blessed are You O L-rd our G-d, King of the universe.” We are not able to make G-d king of our lives—we have only one choice to make concerning His Kingship and kingdom: will we submit to and accept His Kingship, thus becoming subjects of His kingdom? Or, will we choose the kingship of another, denying G-d’s Kingship—He is King regardless—thus becoming enemies of The King and His kingdom. Thank G-d for our Messiah, who is King of kings and L-rd of lords—He has revealed G-d’s Kingship to us. Let’s participate in the reflective process of Rosh Hashannah, seeking to draw near to G-d, because He has first drawn near to us. His Word says, “He is close to all who call upon Him; to all who call upon Him in Truth.” –Tehilim/Psalm 145:18 For both personal and corporate reflection I offer the following prayer tradition: Aveinu Malkeinu Our Father and King Blessed be The Lord Leader: Bless The Lord, Who is Blessed Together: Bless The Lord, Who is Blessed forever, eternally Together: Blessed, praised, glorified, honored, and exalted be the name of the King of kings, the Holy One, blessed be He, Who is the first and the last, and beside Him there is no G-d. Selah: Pause, contemplate, listen and receive… Together: Extol Him in the heavens—Lord is His name, rejoice before His face. His name is honored beyond all blessing and praise. Blessed be His name whose glorious kingdom is forever. Let the name of the L-rd be blessed forever, eternally. Selah: Pause, contemplate, listen and receive… Our Father and King: Psalm 145 1 A Psalm of praise; of David. I will extol You, my G-d, O King; and I will bless Your name forever and eternally. 2 Every day I will bless You; And I will praise Your name for ever and eternally. 3 Great is Adonai, and greatly to be praised; And His greatness is unsearchable. G-d, Our Father and King is Great (outside of all things—In Him all things exist and have their being), His greatness is unsearchable, it cannot be known completely, He is beyond the reach of human understanding. 4 One generation shall praise Your works to another, And shall declare Your mighty acts. G-d, Our Father and King will be known throughout the generations of humanity. He is eternal, past present and future. 5 Of the glorious majesty of Your honor, And of Your wondrous works, I will meditate. G-d, Our Father and King is majestic and honorable. All His actions and the result of them are worth contemplating. 6 And men shall speak of the might of Your terrible acts; And I will declare Your greatness. 7 They shall utter the memory of Your great goodness, And shall sing of Your righteousness. G-d, Our Father and King is fearsome. He is worthy to be feared. He is righteous. We can trust that He will only be and do what is right. 8 Adonai is gracious, and merciful; Slow to anger, and of great loving-kindness. G-d, Our Father and King is gracious—that means He shows mercy to those who don’t deserve it. He is merciful. He is loving and kind. 9 Adonai is good to all; And His tender mercies are over all His works. G-d, Our Father and King is good to everybody—not just Christians, everybody, this is called common grace--that doesn’t mean everybody is forgiven, we are all children of creation but we are not all children of G-d. Common grace is over the children of creation until the judgment, and then only those under saving grace will continue to experience the grace of God into eternity. 10 All Your works shall give thanks to You, O Adonai; and the righteous shall bless You. 11 They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom, And talk of Your power; 12 To make known to humanity His mighty acts, and the glory of the majesty of His kingdom. G-d, Our Father and King, bestows glory upon His kingdom. 13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, And Your dominion endures throughout all generations. G-d, Our Father and King and His kingdom are eternal. 14 Adonai upholds all that fall, and raises up all those that are bowed down in humility. G-d, Our Father and King supports us when we fall down and lifts us up when we come to Him in submission and repentant worship. 15 The eyes of all wait for You; And You give them their food in due season. 16 You open Your hand, And satisfy the desire of every living thing. G-d, Our Father and King has the attention of the entire world—whether we realize it or not—everyone is reliant on G-d for their food. 17 Adonai is righteous in all His ways, And gracious in all His works. G-d, Our Father and King is right acting in all He is and does. He is gracious through every action He performs. 18 Adonai is close to all who call upon Him, To all that call upon Him in truth. G-d, Our Father and King is close to us, He is close to us when we call to Him with a truthful heart/motivation. 19 He will fulfil the desire of them that fear Him; He will also hear their cry and will save them. G-d, Our Father and King will see to completion the desire of those who fear Him. He will hear our crys for help and save us. 20 Adonai preserves all those that love Him; But all the wicked He will destroy. G-d, Our Father and King will preserve us, He will never allow us to be apart from Him. Preserve here means eternal preservation-which does not end at death. For those of us who acknowledge Him as King, there will be life, even though we die 21 My mouth shall speak the praise of Adonai; and let all flesh bless His holy name for ever and eternally. G-d, Our Father and King is deserving of our praise and worship. Aveinu Malkeinu–Our Father and King Our Father, our King, be gracious to us and answer us, for of ourselves we are unworthy (Our worth is in You); deal with us in compassion and faithful love and deliver us. Selah: Pause, contemplate, listen and receive… Our Father, our King, we have sinned before you. Our Father, our King, we have no king except You. Our Father, our King, deal with us kindly for the sake of Your name. Our Father, our King, renew a year of good for us. Our Father, our King, annul every evil decree against us. Our Father, our King, exalt the majesty of Your Messiah. Selah: Pause, contemplate, listen and receive… Our Father, our King, be gracious unto us and answer us, for of ourselves we are unworthy (Our worth is in You); deal with us in compassion and faithful love and deliver us. Selah: Pause, contemplate, listen and receive… Our Father, our King, forgive and pardon our sins. Our Father, our King, blot out our transgressions, and remove our sins from Your sight. Our Father, our King, may we return to You in perfect repentance. Selah: Pause, contemplate, listen and receive… Our Father, our King, bring glory to Israel Your people. Our Father, our King, bring understanding and peace to Your children amongst the nations. Our Father, our King, provide us with Your abundant blessings. Our Father, our King, grant our prayers for Your sake, if not for ours. Selah: Pause, contemplate, listen and receive… Our Father, our King, be gracious to us and answer us, for of ourselves we are unworthy (Our worth is in You); deal with us in compassion and faithful love and deliver us. Selah: Pause, contemplate, listen and receive… Messianic addition: Aveinu Shabashamayim Our Father in Heaven Our Father, Who is in the heavens May Your name be kept Holy Selah: Pause, contemplate, listen and receive… Your kingdom come Your will be done On earth, just as it is in the heavens Selah: Pause, contemplate, listen and receive… Give us today our daily bread And forgive us our debts As we choose to forgive the debts of others Selah: Pause, contemplate, listen and receive… Don’t lead us into trials But, reach down and pull us up out of evil Selah: Pause, contemplate, listen and receive… For Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory Forever and eternally Selah: Pause, contemplate, listen and receive… © 2014 Yaakov Brown
Patsy Shelton
27/9/2014 16:46:24
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Yaakov BrownFounder of the Beth Melekh International Messiah Following Jewish Community, Archives
December 2024