For goodness sake, at least take the time to learn a full Hebrew phrase or sentence before you go making doctrines out of ox heads and crosses! Primarily the reason that determining interpretation based on the pictorial form of ancient Hebrew leads to misunderstanding is that pictographic Hebrew when collected into complete words, was never intended to be understood according to each individual pictogram within the whole, whereas, for example, the hieroglyphs of Egypt (not remotely similar to paleo Hebrew) are.
The meaning of words is not determined by individual characters within words but by the collected characters, their root words and meanings. Therefore, seeking to use individual characters and their pictorial meanings to interpret Hebrew Scripture often leads to grave error. Even in their pictorial form the characters of a whole word are collected to convey a convergent meaning. Therefore, to single out each pictogram in order to glean a so called "deeper meaning" is to misinterpret the meaning. This type of interpretation is often entered into by people who lack knowledge of the Hebrew language, its meaning and grammar, people who seek "Deeper Knowledge" or "Deeper Revelation" which is in fact more closely connected to the gnostic and higher learning esoteric heresy of the early Gentile Church than it is to authentic Hebrew spirituality. These kinds of heresies are spoken against by Rav Shaul (Paul) Hashaliach (the sent one), and are of significant danger to the hearts and minds of Messiah followers. As is always the case, if a method other than the interpretation of the plain meaning of the text produces an interpretation that contradicts the plain meaning, that interpretation is error! Dear Messiah followers, do not be led astray by ear tickling nonsense. We are of the sound mind of Yeshua our King, we are not conspiracy theorists, secretly knowledgeable or superior to the Word. To the contrary, we speak the Word plainly and clearly for all to hear and thus afford others the opportunity to understand and receive salvation through Yeshua and reconciliation to God. For goodness sake, at least take the time to learn a full Hebrew phrase or sentence before you go making doctrines out of ox heads and crosses! -Rav Yaakov Ben Yehoshua Spiritual Leader Beit Melekh Messiah Following Jewish Community Comments are closed.
Yaakov BrownFounder of the Beth Melekh International Messiah Following Jewish Community, Archives
December 2024