Why then in our attempt to reason away the beauty of G-d’s story, do we reduce to temporary myth that which is so clearly eternal design?... Like rocks at the bottom of a pond, we refuse to believe that the sky exists, despite the fact that the sun’s rays shine down through the water to touch us. Introduction: We tend to want to skip over genealogies when reading through the Scriptures. It is to our detriment that we fail to pause and ask, “What do these names mean? Why is G-d so concerned with listing the names of individuals?” There are of course a number of common answers to the latter question: “G-d treasures the nefesh (self) of every human being”, “G-d seems concerned to show us how our lives affect subsequent generations”, “Nations are often listed as the progeny of certain patriarchs, thus showing the redemptive plan of G-d and His calling of individuals in each generation”, “The listing of names is a solid proof of an historical document”, and so on. We rarely take the time to consider each of the names and their Hebrew meanings individually. One great rabbi has said, “We should not seek meaning in every name”, however, If HaShem has ordered all things it stands to reason that all things have meaning. Each of the words and names of the Hebrew text possess a great depth of meaning, often conveying, at very least, a drash (comparative teaching) or remez, a hint at a less obvious allegorical interpretation. Therefore, in addition to the plain reading of the genealogy and the subsequent historical, spiritual meaning, we’re also able to dig a little deeper and glean a wider understanding of G-d’s design and His redemptive purpose for humanity. There are those who have suggested that the continuity shown in the meanings of the names listed in Biblical genealogies, is proof of mythos, a literary device, a human author’s manipulation, an imagined history. But this is not the case. We know that G-d chose our names before we were born (Isaiah 49:1; Jeremiah 1:5; Psalm 139:16). Why then in our attempt to reason away the beauty of G-d’s story, do we reduce to temporary myth that which is so clearly eternal design? Yes, the design of an author, whose name is HaShem. Is it because we’ve become so certain that nothing exists outside of time and space? Like rocks at the bottom of a pond, we refuse to believe that the sky exists, despite the fact that the sun’s rays shine down through the water to touch us. Throughout this Chapter we read the refrain, “after their languages, in their countries, and in their nations.” Which is an allusion to the coming events at Bavel (Babel: Confusion) This chapter of Genesis lists 70 names representing the origin of the nations of the world. This is the multiple of 7 and 10, both numbers signifying completion and perfection. This is why Judaism sees the number 70 as a symbolic representation of humanity as a whole. Subsequently, this number is used many times throughout the TaNaKH (OT), both as an affirmation of Ethnic Israel (Genesis 46:27; Exodus 1:5; Deut. 32:8) and as a reminder of G-d’s redemptive purpose for all nations. It’s important to note that the variations in the corresponding 1 Chronicles 1 genealogy are due to the purpose of each genealogy. The present text is recording the progeny of the new Adam, Noach, in order to set the stage for the unification and subsequent division of the nations of the world. Whereas the 1 Chronicles 1 genealogy is making a connection between Adam and the patriarch Avraham. Hebrew genealogies often consolidate names and skip generations in order to create a numerical symmetry with the intention of conveying G-d’s metanarrative rather than being scientifically precise in every detail. The composite identity of Hebrew names, which allows a name to refer to both an individual and a nation, is characteristic of the TaNakh (OT) and is particularly common in Genesis. The purpose of this study is not to attempt to draw a connection between these ancient names and their modern descendants but rather to understand how this genealogy prepares us both for the following chapter and for understanding the nature of Israel’s calling as it pertains to her being predestined to be G-d’s chosen people. Additionally, within each set of names we find a redemptive story which conveys G-d’s desire to see all come to salvation through His Son Yeshua. Gen 10:1 Now these are the generations (Toldot) of the sons of Noach (Comfort, rest), Shem (Name), Cham (Hot), and Yefet (open): and to them were sons born after the flood. Gen 10:1 These are the generations of Comfort: Name, Hot, Open, and they had sons after the flood. Gen 10:2 The sons of Yefet (open): Gomer (Complete, perfect), and Magog (From Gog [Roof], From the heights), and Madai (What is enough? Middle land: Middle Asia), and Yaven (Supple clay: Greece), and Tuval (Flowing forth: East Asia Minor), and Meshech (A sowing, a possession, a special price), and Tiras (Desire). Gen 10:2 The sons of Open: Complete and perfect, From the heights, what is enough? Supple clay flowing forth and sowing seed, a possession, a special price and desire. Gen 10:3 And the sons of Gomer (Complete, perfect); Ashkenaz (A man is sprinkled: fire is scattered), and Rifat (Spoken), and Togarmah (Bone breaker). Gen 10:3 And the sons of Complete and perfect: a man sprinkled, fire scattered, Spoken, and Bone breaker. Gen 10:4 And the sons of Yaven (Supple clay: Greece); Elishah (My G-d is Salvation), and Tarshish (Border of six: Search for alabaster: Jasper), Kittim (Beaters: Pulverisers), and Dodanim (Leaders). Gen 10:4 And the sons of supple clay: My G-d is Salvation and Search for alabaster, Pulverisers and Leaders. Gen 10:5 By these were the islands of the nations divided in their lands; every one after his language, after their families, in their nations. Gen 10:5 By these were the islands of the nations divided in their lands; every one after his language, after their families, in their nations. This refrain provides a geographic, ethnic, political and linguistic criteria for differentiating between various people groups. Gen 10:6 And the sons of Cham (Hot); Cush (Black, Black Countenance, Full Of Darkness), and Mizraim (Egyptians, Double distress, double stronghold), and Put (A bow), and Kenaan (Lowland, Slave, Merchant, Servant). Gen 10:6 And the sons of Hot: Black countenance, Full of darkness, and Double distress, and a bow, and a slave. Gen 10:7 And the sons of Cush (Black, Black Countenance, Full of Darkness); Seba (He drank wine, Drunkard), and Havilah (Circle), and Sabtah (Strike), and Raamah (Horses mane), and Sabtecha (Striking): and the sons of Raamah (Horses mane); Sheba (Seven, Oath, Blessing), and Dedan (Leaning forward: Low Country). Gen 10:7 And the sons of And Black countenance, Full of darkness: Drank wine and Circle, Strike, Horses mane, (Wiped in the face while riding into the wind) Striking: and the sons of Horses mane: Seven, Oath, Blessing and Leaning forward. Gen 10:8 And Cush (Black, Black Countenance, Full Of Darkness) begat Nimrod (Rebellion): he began to profane, defile, pollute and desecrate (Heicheil) in order to become a powerful (mighty) one in the earth (ha-aretz). Gen 10:8 And Black countenance, Full of darkness begat Rebellion: he began to profane, defile, pollute and desecrate in order to become a powerful one on the earth. Gen 10:9 He was a mighty hunter before the face/faces (L’pneiy) of HaShem, Mercy (YHVH): wherefore it is said, “Like Nimrod (Rebellion) the mighty hunter before the face/faces (L’pneiy) HaShem (YHVH). Gen 10:9 He was a mighty hunter before the face of Mercy: wherefore it is said, “Like Rebellion the mighty hunter before the face of Mercy. Both the Rambam (Mamonides) and Radak (Rabbi David Kimchi) [12th Century CE] suggest that prior to Nimrod there were neither mass conflicts nor reigning monarchs. Nimrod is said to have subjugated the Babylonians until they crowned him, after which he invaded Assyria and built great cities. The text calls Nimrod a, “Mighty hunter” which Rashi interprets figuratively, explaining that Nimrod captivated human beings with his words and incited them to rebel against G-d. Nimrod’s first conquest was that of Bavel, which later became the centre of the Babylonian empire. An empire that would in turn attack Jerusalem and take Israel captive. Thus the drashic interpretation that sees rebellion as the root of captivity. Gen 10:10 As a result, the beginning of his kingdom was Bavel (Confusion), and Erech (long), and Akad (subtle), and Calneh (Fortress of Anu [answering]), in the land of Shinar (That which is young). Gen 10:10 As a result, the beginning of his kingdom was Confusion, and long, and subtle, and Fortress of answering, in the land of that which is young. Gen 10:11 From the earth the he (ha-hoo) went forth Asshur (a step: Assyria), and built, established Nin’veih (Abode of Ninus [an ancient king]), and the city Rechovot (Wide open streets/place), and Calah (vigour), Gen 10:11 From the earth the he went forth a step, and built, established a place for an ancient king, and the city of Wide open streets, and vigour, Gen 10:12 And Resen (Bridle) between Nin’veih (Abode of Ninus [an ancient king]) and Calah (vigour): it is a city of anguish, and great. Gen 10:12 And Bridle between the place of an ancient king and vigour: it is a city of anguish, and great. Gen 10:13 And Mizraim (Egyptians, Double distress, double stronghold) begat Ludeey (firebrands, travailings, descendants of lud), and Anamim (Answer the waters), and Lehavim (flames, blades), and Naftuchim (Opening), Gen 10:13 And Double distress, begat firebrands, travailings, descendants of strife, and Answer the waters, and flames, blades, and opening Gen 10:14 And Patrusim (See Pathros, South lands. Wet lands), and Casluhim (fortified), (out of whom came Philishtim [Immigrants, land of Sojourners]) and Caftorim (Cup, crown). Gen 10:14 And Wet lands, and fortified, out of whom came Immigrants, a land of Sojourners and Cup, crown. Gen 10:15 And Kenaan (Lowland, Slave, Merchant, Servant) begat Tzidon (Hunting) his firstborn, and Cheit (Terror), Gen 10:15 And Slave, Merchant, Servant begat Hunting his firstborn, and Terror, Gen 10:16 And the Yevuseey (Jerusalem dweller: Rain of Peace), and the Amoreey (Sayer), and the Girgasheey (Dwelling on clay soil), Gen 10:16 And the one dwelling in the Rain of Peace, and the Sayer/prophet, and the Dwelling on clay soil, Gen 10:17 And the Hiveey (villager), and the Arkeey (gnawing), and the Sineey (thorn), Gen 10:17 And the villager, and the gnawing, and the thorn, clay, Gen 10:18 And the Arvadeey (I will break loose), and the Tzemareey (Two cuttings off, wooly boys), and the Chamateey (Fortress, water skin): and afterward were the families of the Kenaaneey (Lowland, Slave, Merchant, and Servant) spread abroad. Gen 10:18 And I will break loose, and Two cuttings off, wooly boys, and the Fortress, water skin: and afterward were the families of the Lowland, Slave, Merchant, Servant spread abroad. Gen 10:19 And the border of the Kenaaneey (Lowland, Slave, Merchant, and Servant) was from Tzidon (Hunting), as one reaches to Gerara (lodging place), unto Aza (Gaza, the strong); as you go, to Sedomah (Burning), and Amorah (Submersion), and Admah (Red earth), and Tzebeyim (Gazelles), even unto Lasha (Fissure). Gen 10:19 And the border of Lowland, Slave, Merchant, Servant was from Hunting, as one reaches to lodging place, unto the strong; as you go, to Burning, and Submersion, and Red earth, and Gazelles, even unto Fissure. Gen 10:20 These are the sons of Cham (Hot), after their families, after their languages, in their countries, and in their nations. Gen 10:20 These are the sons of Hot, after their families, after their languages, in their countries, and in their nations. Gen 10:21 Unto Shem (Name) children were born, also, he is the father of all the children of Ever (the region beyond), the brother of Yefet (opened) the great, numerous. Gen 10:21 Unto Name children were born, also, he is the father of all the children of the region beyond, the brother of opened the great, numerous. The name, “Ever” is the root for the word, “Evrit” meaning, “Hebrew”. Avraham is, “Ha-Evri” meaning, “The Hebrew”. Both the language and the father of the Judeo-Christian faiths have an intrinsic connection to the redemptive message of G-d’s salvation (Yeshua). Gen 10:22 The children of Shem (Name); Eylam (Eternity), and Asshur (a step), and Arfachshad (light trickles from the breast), and Lud (strife), and Aram (exalted). Gen 10:22 The children of Name; Eternity, and a step, and light trickles from the breast, and strife, and exalted. Gen 10:23 And the children of Aram (exalted); Utz (soft sand), and Chul (Circle), and Geter (fear), and Mash (Drawn out). Gen 10:23 And the children of exalted; soft sand, and Circle, and fear, and Drawn out. Gen 10:24 And Arfachshad (light trickles from the breast) begat Shelah (Sprout, go forth); and Shelah (Sprout, go forth) begat Ever (The region beyond). Gen 10:24 And light trickles from the breast begat Sprout, go forth; and Sprout, go forth begat The region beyond. Gen 10:25 And unto Ever (The region beyond) were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg (division); for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name was Yoktan (smallness). Gen 10:25 And unto The region beyond were born two sons: the name of one was division; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name was smallness. Gen 10:26 And Yoktan (smallness) begat Almodad (not measured), and Shalef (drawing forth), and Chatzarmavet (village of death), and Yerach (New moon), Gen 10:26 And smallness begat not measured, and drawing forth, and village of death, and New moon, Gen 10:27 And Hadoram (The noble honour), and Uzal (shall be flooded), and Diklah (Palm grove), Gen 10:27 And The noble honour, and shall be flooded, and Palm grove, Gen 10:28 And Oval (Stripped bare), and Avimael (My Father is G-d), and Sheva (Seven, oath, blessing), Gen 10:28 And Stripped bare, and My Father is G-d, and Seven, oath, blessing, Gen 10:29 And Ofir (Abundance), and Chavilah (Circle), and Yovav (Desert): all these were the sons of Yoktan (smallness). Gen 10:29 And Abundance, and Circle, and Desert: all these were the sons of smallness. Gen 10:30 And their dwelling was from Mesha (freedom), as you go unto Sephara (A numbering, census) a mountain forward (of the east). Gen 10:30 And their dwelling was from freedom, as you go unto A numbering, census a mountain forward. Gen 10:31 These are the sons of Shem (Name), after their families, after their languages, in their lands, after their nations. Gen 10:31 These are the sons of Name, after their families, after their languages, in their lands, after their nations. Gen 10:32 These are the families of the sons of Noach (Comfort, rest), after their generations (Toldot), in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood. Gen 10:32 These are the families of the sons of Comfort, rest, after their generations, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood. A Paraphrase of Genesis 10:
Using the Meanings of the Genealogical Names The following paraphrase should be treated as a remez (hint) based allegory which uses the p’shat (plain) meaning of the Hebrew names to generate a drash (comparative teaching) or mashal (parable) and nothing more. I am in no way suggesting that this is the p’shat (plain) meaning of the text, which is a historical, literal genealogy of post flood humanity. I have represented the meanings of the Hebrew names to the best of my understanding and where the names have multiple meanings I have chosen the meaning that I believe best fits the present text in light of the metanarrative of the Biblical Canon. Genesis 10: Drash Gen 10:1 This is the story of the comfort of the Name, in the midst of searing heat, in the open after a great immersion. The Sons of Openness (Yefet) [The Redeemed] Gen 10:2 Openness gave birth to complete perfection from the heights, isn’t this enough? The supple clay (of humanity) flowed forth and sowing seed took possession for a special price and desire. Gen 10:3 And the sons of complete perfection: men sprinkled with scattered fire spoke against the bone breaker. Gen 10:4 And the sons of supple clay (of humanity) called out, “My G-d is salvation” in their search for purity, among destroyers. Gen 10:5 By these were the countries of the world divided in their lands; every one after his language, after their families, in their nations. The Sons of Heat (Cham) [The Disobedient] Gen 10:6 And the sons of heat with black countenance, full of darkness, and double distress, are enslaved with the bow. Gen 10:7 And the sons of black countenance, full of darkness drank wine perpetually, struck as if by a horses mane, and so they struck back: but the sons of the horses mane (wind that whips the face) are greatly blessed and Leaning forward. Gen 10:8 And black countenance, full of darkness gave birth to rebellion who began to profane, defile, pollute and desecrate in order to become a powerful one on the earth. Gen 10:9 He was a mighty hunter before the face of Mercy: that’s why people use the saying, “Like Rebellion the mighty hunter defiant in the face of Mercy”. Gen 10:10 As a result, the beginning of his kingdom was confusion that lasted a long time and was insidious dwelling in a fortress of false answers amongst the young. Gen 10:11 From the earth he went forward a further step and established a place for an ancient king, and a city of wide open streets, and vigour, Gen 10:12 And there was a bridle upon the ancient king and his vigour: his city is one of great anguish. Gen 10:13 And Double distress gave birth to revolution and turmoil, whose descendants were strife, which was answered by waters and flames in the open Gen 10:14 And wet lands that were fortified, produced a land of Sojourners, a cup and a crown. Gen 10:15 And the slave merchant first gave birth to hunters and terror, Gen 10:16 And then to one dwelling in the rain of peace, and the prophet, dwelling on clay soil (a man of the earth), Gen 10:17 And then the villager (the average man), and the one gnawing in suffering, and the one wearing thorns, Gen 10:18 And then I will break loose, and cut off twice the children of my sheep, and the fortress of the water skins: and afterward the families of the slave merchant were spread abroad. Gen 10:19 And the territory of the slave merchant covered hunting grounds and the dwelling place of the strong on the way to burning and submersion beneath the red earth, like Gazelles diving into a fissure. Gen 10:20 These were the sons of heat, after their families, after their languages, in their countries, and in their nations. The Sons of The Name (Shem) [Redeemed Ethnic Israel] Gen 10:21 Unto the Name children were born, He was also the Father (G-d) of all the children of the region beyond, the Brother (Yeshua) Who opened the way for a great number. Gen 10:22 The children of the Name are eternal, and step forth from light that trickles from their mother’s breast, and through strife they are exalted. Gen 10:23 And the children of the exalted walked the sand in a circle, and from fear were drawn out, delivered. Gen 10:24 And light trickles from the breast (the feminine nature of G-d) and gives birth to new life that goes forward and new life goes forward and is born again in the region beyond. Gen 10:25 And unto the region beyond (eternity past, present, future) were born two sons: the name of one was division (The first Adam); for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name was the least (The Last Adam: Yeshua the servant). Gen 10:26 And the least gave birth to that which can’t be measured, and drawn forth from the village of death is the Messiah (New moon), Gen 10:27 And the noble honourable one, shall bring a flood producing a fruitful garden, Gen 10:28 And He was stripped bare, the one called My Father is G-d, and was blessed abundantly, Gen 10:29 And abundance encompassed the desert: all these were the sons of the least. Gen 10:30 And their dwelling was in freedom and numbers on a mountain they moved forward. Gen 10:31 These are the sons of the Name, after their families, after their languages, in their lands, after their nations. A Summation of all Sons [Humanity] Gen 10:32 These are the families of the sons of Comfort, rest, after their generations, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood. © 2016 Yaakov Brown Comments are closed.
Yaakov BrownFounder of the Beth Melekh International Messiah Following Jewish Community, Archives
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